
Kursk tank battle youtube
Kursk tank battle youtube

kursk tank battle youtube kursk tank battle youtube

Operations everywhere then bogged down to a standstill as the Russian spring thawed the frozen earth and turned it to mud. Meanwhile, to the north of the Donets campaign, the Soviet winter offensive was held at bay before Orel by Field Marshal Günther von Kluge’s Army Group Center. Manstein’s brilliant counteroffensive restored the southern front and culminated in an SS frontal assault and a triumphant recapture of Kharkov. Fresh panzer formations sliced into the startled Soviet flanks, ripping apart two Soviet Fronts (Army Groups). Once the Soviet armor ran dry of fuel and low on ammunition, Manstein unleashed Army Group South’s riposte. At the time, Field Marshal Erich von Manstein was only waiting for the Soviets to overextend themselves. The Soviets seemed unstoppable, recapturing the major city of Kharkov from the Germans on February 14, 1943, roughly five months before the Battle of Kursk. With the German Sixth Army destroyed at Stalingrad, the Soviet juggernaut lunged west and southwest across the River Donets.

Kursk tank battle youtube