Set the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to point to.Method convenient if you already have your service account key file in your Pass your service account key file to adle.Looks for credentials from the Firebase CLI if no other authenticationĪuthenticating with a service account allows you to flexibly use the plugin with This feature will be removed in Q1 2023.īefore you can use the Gradle plugin, you must first authenticate with yourįirebase project in one of the following ways. Authenticate with Firebase Note: App Distribution has deprecated the Gradle plugin's Google account signinįeature. That enables App Distribution to upload your distributions to Firebase: =/path/to/truststore =password If you're behind a corporate proxy or firewall, add the following Add the App Distribution Gradle plugin Make sure that you have the Google services Gradle plugin Add the dependency for the App Distribution Gradle pluginĬlasspath ':firebase-appdistribution-gradle:3.0.3' Make sure that you have the Google services Gradle plugin dependencyĬlasspath ':google-services:4.3.14' MavenCentral() // Maven Central repositoryĬlasspath ':gradle:7.2.0' Make sure that you have the following two repositories ( /adle), add the App Distribution Gradle plugin as a In your root-level (project-level) Gradle file The package name value isĬase-sensitive and cannot be changed for your app in Firebase after it's Package name as the app you're distributing. Caution: When you register your app with Firebase, make sure to enter the same Products in the future, be sure to complete all of the steps on the page If you aren't using any other Firebase products, you only have to create a If you haven't already, add Firebase to your Android This guide describes how to distribute APKs to testers using theĪpp Distribution Gradle plugin. Release notes in your app's adle file, letting you configureĭistributions for different build types and variants of your app. The plugin lets you specify your testers and You can integrate App Distribution into your Android build process using theĪpp Distribution Gradle plugin.